
  • Anderseen Lab is looking for a highly motivated Ph.D. student in bioinformatics and/or a wet-lab biologist with computational background.

  • The Chair of Biological Imaging (CBI) at the Technical University of Munich and the Institute of Biological and Medical Imaging  at Helmholtz Munich are an integrated, multi-disciplinary research structure and form the cornerstone of a rapidly expanding bioengineering ecosystem in Munich, Germany; including the Research Center TranslaTUM and the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus, which integrate bioengineering with oncology and metabolic disorders, respectively.

  • **** UPDATE: positions are not available any more ****

    The Department of Nuclear Medicine (Schilling Lab) is seeking applications from highly motivated candidates for three PhD positions.  Candidates with a M.Sc. or equivalent degree in chemistry, biochemistry, bioengineering or physics, computer science, bioengineering, electrical engineering other related subjects are invited to apply for the funded positions in within the following research areas:

  • ** UPDATE NOV 8th - the position has been filled **

    The Department of Urology is offering a 3-year position (TVL-E13 65%) to a candidate with master or diploma thesis in life science/biology with extensive experience in molecular and cell biology.

  • The application platform for new candidates for the PhD program in Medical Life Science and Technology is open again. You can apply until 15th November 2022 for the summer semester 2023.

    We are accepting applications from both candidates that already have a place in a laboratory at Klinikum/TUM, as well as from those that apply without an agreement with a lab.

  • Following the elections for the doctoral representatives last week, we would like to inform you of the final results. 

    MGC board

    Romina Rösch

    Mona Wang (deputy)

    Medical Thesis

    Maria Brielmaier

    Experimental Medicine

    Mona Wang

    Translational Medicine

    Romina Rösch

    PhD Program

    Marlene Aßfalg

    Laura Mateyka