
  • The Sustainable World 2022 symposium on September 29, 2022 at the LMU Biomedical Center provides a forum for next generation researchers of all levels to inform themselves further on diverse sustainability topics, hearing from passionate experts in the fields of ecology, economy and sociology.

  • This year, the annual confirmation of membership („Rückmeldung“) has started on September 1 and ends on October 13. As soon as you have confirmed your data in DocGS, your supervisor will automatically be asked to confirm the data as well. Only if both parties confirm the data before the deadline on October 13, your TUM-GS membership will continue. We have notified all candidates, who have not submitted their dissertation yet, on September 1 via the email address provided in DocGS.

  • A PhD position (65% E13) in the area of in vivo imaging of the rodent nervous system is available in the Misgeld lab at TUM’s Institute of Neuronal Cell Biology. The position is available starting earliest 1.9.2022.

  • Within a collaboration with Prof. El Amri, Sorbonne University Paris, Frauenklinik der TUM on Julz 12th is organizing an international minisymposium titled "Proetases in (patho-)physiology“. In addition the guest speakers from France, they will also welcome scientists from Australia, Austria, Mainz, and Marburg. Latest data will also be presented by the colleagues from Munich.

  • To strengthen the team, Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology is looking for a highly motivated Ph.D. student in bioinformatics and/or a wet-lab biologist with computational background.

  • Career Event InPharma 2022 will take place from June 23 - 24, 2022 at the Max Planck Institute in Planegg, Germany. 
    Things on offer: