
  • We have received invitation to two congresses on medical topics that might interest MGC doctoral candidates:

  • You are invited to attend a GHGA-Webinar “Good statistical practice for the analysis of large biological datasets” that aims to provide an overview on good statistical practice for students and researchers who are planning to perform experiments resulting in large biological datasets.
    Topics discussed will be efficient workflow design, iterative analyses, data representation, computational methods and address the question of “how many replicates?”.

  • MGC team wishes you all merry Christmas and a happy holiday season! We hope you can find time to relax and enjoy the days with your loved ones!
    MGC is closed until the first days of 2023, when you can again reach some of our colleagues ready to support you.
    All the best and see you in 2023!

  • Durham University invites applications for three Addison Wheeler Fellowships, 36-month postdoctoral positions commencing on 1 October 2023. This scheme is intended to provide early career researchers of outstanding promise with an opportunity to complete a major project. It is open to scholars from any discipline and of any nationality. Closing date for applications: midnight 12.00 GMT 10 January 2023.

  • Beginning in 2023 doctoral candidates can enroll at TUM for up to 8 semesters. Naturally, you can continue to work on your doctorate after this time, but you can no longer take advantage of student benefits. You also do not have to use the 8 possible semesters consecutively, but distribute them as you deem most convenient for your doctorate.

  • *** the event is organised in German language, so the invitation is also in German language ***

    TUM Graduate School fördert familienfreundliche Strukturen, die unseren Promovierenden helfen, Familie, Beruf und Forschung zu vereinbaren. Um Promovierenden mit Kind(ern) eine Austauschplattform und peer-group networking Möglichkeit zu bieten, hat TUM GS speziell für Promovierende mit (Klein-)Kind(ern) neue Family Event Series ins Leben gerufen.