TUM Wissenschaftliche Arbeit und Forschung auf höchstem Niveau
Photo: Michael Stobrawe/TUM

Becoming a member

Right after starting, you must register your doctoral project on DocGS. A brief explanation on what is needed and how it is done can be found below.
Please contact us(link sends e-mail) in case you need a confirmation of the registration.

  • Click "Apply" and select School of Medicine and medical doctoral program (Dr. med.).
  • Enter the relevant information about you, your advisor, thesis committee, project etc.
  • You can save any information you enter and complete the form at a later point in time. After filling out every field correctly, and uploading every required document click on „Save and Submit“.

In case of an error message, please check that all required fields are filled in. Please note that only what has already been filled out in the application form can be displayed, and only if the application form has not yet been submitted.

The preview draft, recognizable by a watermark in the background, may not be submitted as a final version.

After correcting and submitting the online application, select the pdf documents under “document overview”.
Please thoroughly check all the information in your application form prior to send it. You cannot make any change, once the form has been submitted.

Two documents can be now found under “My Progress”, one is a Betreuungsvereinbarung and the other is an Antrag auf Eintragung in die Promotionsliste. Both documents must be printed out, signed and sent together with the documents to the Medical Graduate Center, Ismaninger Str. 22, Building 551, Room 037 (at the deans office behind the lecture halls). Your contact officers are Ms. Simon (A – K), Ms. Schleider (I -N) and Ms. Scheck (O – Z).

Postal address:
TUM Medical Graduate Center,
z. Hd. Frau Simon/Frau Schleider/Frau Scheck,
Ismaninger Str. 22,
81675 München.