Publication-based dissertation
The written dissertation describes the results of the practical work executed in the laboratory. It represents the conclusion of the research project and must meet the criteria of an independent and novel scientific work.
As an alternative to a monographic dissertation, in exceptional cases a cumulative - publication-based dissertation (German: publikationsbasierte Dissertation) can be also accepted.
The written dissertation describes the results of the practical work executed in the laboratory. It represents the conclusion of the research project and must meet the criteria of an independent and novel scientific work.
As an alternative to a monographic dissertation, in exceptional cases a publication-based dissertation (German: publikationsbasierte Dissertation) can be also accepted. Prerequisite for a publication-based dissertation is that at least two first authorship original research papers have been published or accepted in international peer-reviewed scientific journals. The integrated articles must be written by the student. The student’s supervisor must agree in writing to the application, using the designated form.
A publication-based dissertation must be equivalent to a monographic dissertation in its entirety. It must include an introductory and methodology section. All publications relevant to the thesis must be integrated into the dissertation, in their originally accepted or published form. Each article must be introduced by a brief summary of the study and the student contribution to the work. Written permission must be sought from the respective publisher to reproduce each of the included articles.
Appendix 6 [ad § 6 (9)] TUM Regulations for the Award of Doctoral Degrees:
Publication-based dissertations will be accepted provided that the supervisor has given his /her written approval and the following requirements are met:
1. The dissertation must include an introductory and methodology section (20 pages); a discussion section across dissertation topics including a review of relevant literature;
2. The dissertation must include at least two first-author papers accepted for publication (full paper in an international, English language, peer-reviewed journal);
3. The candidate must be the first author of all publications included;
4. The dissertation must include a summary of each publication (one page), indicating the individual contributions of the candidate;
5. Inclusion of selected original papers requires a separate letter of approval from each publisher. All other publications must be listed with a full publication citation for each. In the set of copies for the members of the examining committee all original papers must be included separately.
According to a TUM-GS decision, we strongly encourage you to get a declaration of consent from all co-authors of the paper(s) to be used in the dissertation. In this letter, all co-authors should also confirm that the doctoral candidate was in charge of writing these papers.
Monographic | Publication-based | |
Abstract or Aim of the work and Summary | √ | √ |
Summary in German (Zusammenfassung) | √ | √ |
List of publications | √ | √ |
Introduction | √ | √ |
Material and methods | √ | √ |
Results | √ | |
Discussion | √ | √ |
Publications | √ | |
One-page summary of each publication, including the student contribution | √ | |
Publisher permission to reproduce the included articles | √ | |
References | √ | √ |
Declaration of consent from all co-authors of the papers | Optional, but we strongly encourage you to do it. |
The written dissertation describes the results of the practical work executed in the laboratory. It represents the conclusion of the research project and must meet the criteria of an independent and novel scientific work.
As an alternative to a monographic dissertation, in exceptional cases a publication-based dissertation (German: publikationsbasierte Dissertation) can be also accepted, pending approval by the executive committee. Prerequisite for a publication-based dissertation is that at least two first- or last-authorship original research papers have been published or accepted in high-ranking scientific journals. The integrated articles must be written by the student.
A publication-based dissertation must be equivalent to a monographic dissertation in its entirety. It must include an introductory and methodology section. All publications relevant to the thesis must be integrated into the dissertation, in their originally accepted or published form. Each article must be introduced by a brief summary of the study and the student contribution to the work. Written permission must be sought from the respective publisher to reproduce each of the included articles.
§ 15 (Dissertation) Study and Examination Regulations for the Ph.D. program
„(...) (2) In Ausnahmefällen ist auf Antrag eine publikationsbasierte Dissertation möglich, wenn mindestens zwei Publikationen (Original-Forschungsarbeiten) des bzw. der Studierenden in hochrangigen Fachzeitschriften in Erst- oder Letztautorenschaft, angenommen oder veröffentlicht wurden. Die eingebundenen Veröffentlichungen müssen federführend von dem bzw. der Studierenden abgefasst sein. Die Betreuungsperson muss dem Antrag schriftlich zustimmen. Über den Antrag entscheidet der Studienausschuss.
(3) Eine publikationsbasierte Dissertation muss in ihrer Gesamtheit eine einer Dissertation gemäß Abs. 1 gleichwertige Leistung darstellen. Sie muss in knapper Form (20 Seiten) eine Einleitung in die übergreifende wissenschaftliche Fragestellung, die verwendeten Lösungsansätze, eine Zusammenfassung und Diskussion der Ergebnisse sowie eine Einordnung dieser in den wissenschaftlichen Kontext beinhalten. Weiterhin muss die eigene Leistung des bzw. der Studierenden in je einer einseitigen Zusammenfassung der jeweiligen Veröffentlichung unter Hervorhebung der individuellen Leistungsbeiträge des bzw. der Studierenden dargestellt werden. Die Publikationen sind der Dissertation als Anhang beizufügen. Für jede eingebundene Publikation muss eine schriftliche Erlaubnis des jeweiligen Verlags vorliegen. (...)“
According to a TUM-GS decision, we strongly encourage you to get a declaration of consent from all co-authors of the papers to be used in the dissertation. In this letter, all co-authors should also confirm that the doctoral candidate was in charge of writing these papers.
Summary of the sections that should be included in each type of dissertation
Monographic | Publication-based | |
Abstract or Aim of the work and Summary | √ | √ |
Summary in German (Zusammenfassung) | √ | √ |
List of publications | √ | √ |
Introduction | √ | √ |
Material and methods | √ | √ |
Results | √ | |
Discussion | √ | √ |
Publications | √ | |
One-page summary of each publication, including the student contribution | √ | |
Publisher permission to reproduce the included articles | √ | |
References | √ | √ |
Declaration of consent from all co-authors of the papers | Optional, but we strongly encourage you to do it. |